VCK Travel: accessible 24/7
Work is running over, an emergency occurs, or you’re hoping to catch an earlier flight than planned – all kinds of things can change your travel plans. Fortunately, you can always reach us. We help you change your travel plans in case of unexpected circumstances, no matter when you contact us.
Service outside office hours
On weekends and public holidays, you can reach us via our usual phone numbers.. We will then automatically connect you to VCK Travel’s 24/7 service. Our staff will be happy to talk to you in Dutch or English.
Trusted quality
Our 24/7 staff are fully familiar with your organisation. They are specialised in solving problems you may face before or during your trip. And to serve you optimally, these specialists have insight into details such as your personal seat preferences, frequent flyer card numbers, payment agreements and your company’s travel policy.

"Want to reduce your travel costs? You can! Just ask us to optimise your processes, and experience the most efficient way to travel. That is guaranteed to save you money! I’d be happy to advise you"