ISO 22301 – always excellent service

In additition to our other ISO-certifications we obtained the ISO certification for business continuity management. We’re very proud of that! It shows that our excellent service is guaranteed, thanks to our certified business continuity plan.

Always a high standard

Whatever happens or whatever the situation, we’re always there for you. Even in the event of a crisis or emergency, you can continue to rely on our high standard. Our business continuity management system is ISO 22301:2019 certified. This means that the risk of business disruption is minimised, while we make sure that even in difficult times we just keep going. VCK Travel is your reliable partner – always!

Dealing with risks

For VCK Travel, sound business management is self-evident. Regardless of the nature of the risks we face, we take measures to prevent or deal with any situation that may arise in order to keep serving our customers. This is what our customers expect from us.

When we are hit by a global crisis or situation, our normal level of service is guaranteed. You can rest assured that our service will continue at the highest level! The risks related to the continuity of information emphasises the importance of sound business management. Thanks to our comprehensive business continuity plan, our service to customers is guaranteed, even in extraordinary circumstances. Our business continuity management system is ISO 22301:2019 certified.