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Crew.NET: Efficient and easy to use
Organising crew replacements 100% efficiently? With Crew.NET, VCK Marine Travel can offer you an effective tool. Experience progress. With Crew.NET from VCK Marine Travel, you can significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of your operations.Crew.NET from VCK Marine Travel makes your crew planning easier and saves you a lot of time and money.
How Crew.NET works
Enjoy the benefits of Crew.NET. Your crew replacements can be requested completely online, using data from your own crew planning system. Crew.NET translates these into a booking request. Visa information, IMO number and important passport details are directly copied from your system into our own booking systems. Flights can be added to the request. The complete booking and relevant extra details are then fed back into your organisation’s crew planning system.Prevent mistakes
Our automation of the booking process saves your organisation a lot of time, particularly if you compare it with regular booking by phone or email. Moreover, this method prevents mistakes. Would you like to know more about how Crew.NET works and its benefits? Watch the video below.Discover Crew.NET
The possibilities of Crew.NET are truly remarkable. To hear how your organisation can benefit, just contact the Sales department on 088-120-1980 or send an e-mail to sales@vcktravel.nl.

The Personal Touchof Eric van Denderen, Commercial Director
"Want to reduce your travel costs? You can! Just ask us to optimise your processes, and experience the most efficient way to travel. That is guaranteed to save you money! I’d be happy to advise you"