Complaint about VCK Travel

This form should only be used for complaints about VCK Travel. Complaints about our suppliers should be filled in here: Mediation for supplier complaints.

Contact details

Please enter your company name
Title *
Please select your title Please enter your first name Please enter your last name Please enter your e-mail address (must be valid) Please enter your phone number
Language preference communication *
Please select the language preference for communication with VCK Travel

Trip details

Please select the departure/arrival date



Please select the supplier Please describe your complaint here
Attach a file or your proof of payment
You can add a maximum of 3 attachments
Attach your proof of payment when you made extra costs. You can attach a maximum of 3 files of the following types: JPG, BMP and PDF with a maximum of 3 MB per file.

Your data will be stored in the VCK Travel CRM system and will be used exclusively by employees of VCK Travel for handling complaints. Your personal information will only be given to third parties, when this is necessary for handling the complaint. During 3 calendar years, the file with complaints will be stored for statistical purposes. After this period, the data will be removed from the VCK Travel CRM system.